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Avoid distracted parenting

The research is pretty clear that when children spend too much time looking at electronic screens it can interfere with their development

The research is pretty clear that when children spend too much time looking at electronic screens (TV, tablets, smart phones, gaming devices etc.) it can interfere with their development. Many parents know this and put limits on the amount of time their children spend looking at screens. But what about the amount of time us parents spend looking at screens – does that affect our kids?

Digital information (emailing, texting and social networking) has become such a part of our daily lives that it is easy to lose track of how often it captures our attention and how much of the “here and now” we are missing.

Babies and children live in the here and now. Babies are born ready to learn and they need their parents to input the data (with spoken words, songs, games, ideas, etc.). Children learn through real life and the discussions about real life they have with parents and caregivers.

Talking and interacting with children is an essential part of helping them develop speech and language skills. This doesn’t mean parents have to play and interact with their children all day long. It’s okay for children to play by themselves some of the time. However, it is critical that children have some time every day really connecting with a parent. Relationships are built and grow when we respond to each other.

I’ve decided I want to keep my own screen time to moments that I have planned to use it and not because my mind took me there by habit. So, tomorrow after school, I am going to sit with my kids at the table as they eat their snack and leave my computer and phone in another room.  After that, I will take some time to check my email and get the to-dos done. Then the kids and I are going to the park and I’m leaving my phone at home.

-The author, Julie Lewis, is a registered speech pathologist with Interior Health.