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A taste for garlic

Whether you enjoy eating or growing produce, can craft a witty poem about garlic, or capture life around you through the lens of a camera…

Whether you enjoy eating or growing produce, can craft a witty poem about garlic, or capture life around you through the lens of a camera, the fifth annual Grindrod Garlic Festival on Aug. 17 is for you.

Experience everything garlic and enjoy a day of music, arts and crafts, and local produce by the river.

Festival organizers are looking for submissions for the following exhibits: garlic, vegetable, fruit and herb show, garlic poetry and photography.

Submit a poem about anything and everything garlic. Enter a photo in one of the photography classes: “Anything Garlic!”  “Life on the Farm” or “Pets and People.” A list of all the exhibition classes and other details are available at the Grindrod Garlic Festival’s Facebook page at