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Shuswap parents share support for SD83 CEAs

I Love My Education Assistants Day organized in response to proposed cuts

Parents concerned with proposed budget cuts recently showed their love and appreciation for certified education assistants (CEAs). 

On June 11, the School District 83 District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) organized an I Love My Education Assistants Day. DPAC vice-president Morgan Turland explained the day was an opportunity for people to show their strong support for CEAs, whose positions are at risk due to proposed budget cuts. 

"On June 11th, we encouraged all parents to wear blue to show their support for these important education workers," said Turland in an email. "This day is dedicated to recognizing their invaluable contributions and advocating for the necessary resources to retain these crucial roles in our schools."

Turland said parents are deeply concerned with the school district's proposed budget and the cutting of 22 CEA positions.

"I know that raised a lot of concern for parents, thinking it works out to be a 13 per cent decrease in CEAs and they're so integral to student learning and welfare - that was a big concern," said Turland, noting school districts across the province are facing similar challenges. 

"We know they're in a challenging position and there's not enough money to go around. Parents value education assistants, that's the message we're trying to put forward." 

The DPAC has also been encouraging parents to write B.C.'s education ministry calling for more financial support of school districts. 

"We're encouraging parents and we've had several PACs write letters to the ministry, just encouraging them to increase the per student funding because it hasn't increased, I think it's been about six years," said Turland. "I know our school district is having a problem with rising costs and not having enough money and it's a problem we're seeing across the whole province - lots of school districts are having  the same issues."

If people are interested in learning more, seeing more images, or getting the details on who to write to with concerns about funding for education, Turland said they can check out the DPACs Facebook page or website,


Lachlan Labere

About the Author: Lachlan Labere

Editor, Salmon Arm Observer
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