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Animal shelter near Merritt takes in four-legged fire victims

Angel's Animal Rescue is taking in pets that firefighters have rescued from Venables Valley in the wake of the Shetland Creek wildfire

In the midst of the chaos of the Shetland Creek wildfire near Ashcroft, some four-footed friends and their families have reason to be thankful.

The community of Venables Valley, southwest of Ashcroft, was evacuated on the evening of Wednesday, July 17. Due to the speed at which the fire was moving, several pets were not able to be evacuated. At least one was in its cage and about to be evacuated, but in the stress and confusion managed to escape, and could not be recovered before its owners had to leave.

Over the next two days, BC Wildfire Service firefighters who were in the community fighting the fire came across several of these pets, including one dog with badly burned paws, as well as several cats.

“Although they were not looking for animals, and had no real method of rescuing them, they help animals as well as people, and their hearts wouldn’t allow them to leave them behind,” says Judanna Dawn. She owns Angel’s Animal Rescue near Merritt, about 100 kilometres from Ashcroft, and says she got a phone call in the middle of the night asking if a rescued dog could be brought to them.

“We already have 39 dogs on the premises, so getting a call in the middle of the night isn’t ideal, but they’re not willing to leave animals to suffer, and we’re ready to help. We’ll make space. When an animal is suffering we can’t say no.”

When the dog was brought in, Dawn says they soaked its paws to cool them down, then got them clean and dry, treated the dog with burn medication and antibiotics, and put protective mitts on all four paws.

“Bandages just weren’t going to cut it,” says Dawn. “He’s happier today, wagging his tail, giving us kisses, eating and drinking. He was exhausted, and still can’t walk, but he’s in better spirits.”

All the animals that come in are being documented, and Dawn says they’re receiving calls about who belongs to who. “People aren’t in a position to take animals yet, so we’re making room until the owners can pick them up.”

She adds that animals are still coming in to the shelter, as firefighters are still finding them.

“They’re leaving animals that seem to be doing fine. Some sheep have migrated down to the school grounds, and the fellows are keeping an eye on the animals out there and bringing in the ones they find. Between them and us they’ll have a chance.”

Any Venables Valley residents who want to know if their pets have been found can call or text Angel’s Animal Rescue at (250) 378-5223.

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Barbara Roden

About the Author: Barbara Roden

I joined Black Press in 2012 working the Circulation desk of the Ashcroft-Cache Creek Journal and edited the paper during the summers until February 2016.
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