Multiple lightning strikes touching down near Vernon sparked firefighters into action Monday evening.
Vernon Fire Rescue Services (VFRS) along with Lake Country Fire Department responded to reports of lightning caused spot fires Aug. 5.
Multiple reports were called in from area residents of lightning strikes around 8 p.m. in the Commonage/Predator Ridge areas.
Personnel on the ground were able to confirm and action five separate small wildland fires that sparked in the location of Howards and Commonage roads.
With the assistance of the Lake Country Fire Department, quick action of crews prevented the fires from spreading.
Fire crews remain in the area monitoring for additional hotspots.
“It was the vigilance of area residents in reporting these lightning strikes that allowed crews to quickly locate and contain the fires before they could spread,” said fire chief David Lind. “Reporting of lightning strikes and wildland fires is important to enable a quick response.”
Conditions remain extremely dry and VFRS is urging all residents and visitors to remain vigilant.
To report a fire inside city limits, call 911. To report a wildfire, please call 1-800-663-5555 (toll-free), *5555 on a cellphone or submit a report directly through the BC Wildfire Service mobile app.