Interior Health has administered more than 5,000 COVID-19 vaccinations via their mobile clinics since they hit the road last week.
The clinics have made stops in more than 40 communities so far.
“Our teams of immunizers and support staff have undertaken the most important road trip of the summer by bringing quick and easy access to COVID-19 vaccines to small and rural communities across the region,” said Interior Health president and CEO Susan Brown.
Mobile clinics will continue venturing throughout the B.C. Interior next week with clinics planned in Sorrento, Chase, Cache Creek, Clinton, 100 Mile House, Williams Lake, Grand Forks, Christina Lake, Winlaw, Kaslo, Nelson and Creston.
Those looking to get vaccinated at mobile clinics don’t have to book an appointment. People who live or work in the area can walk up, register and get their first dose on the spot.
READ MORE: Interior Health COVID-19 cases falling slower than the rest of B.C.
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