Notice of intention to sell pursuant of Warehouseman’s Act.
Contents of locker stored by the following people at:
ABC Storage 250-832-0212
331-42 St S.W. Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E2Y9
6151 Auto Rd S.E. Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E2X2
4331 Auto Rd S.E. Salmon Arm, B.C. V1E1X7
Oliver McCabe & Alexandra Wright
A295 & A298… Present Charges… $1152.89
Lorilee Toole
SC29, SC30 & SC31…. Present Charges… $2878.14
Erin O’Morrow & Sam Rossetti
L44… Present Charges…$541.94
All accounts are subject to advertising and disposal costs and must be paid in full before December 19, 2024.