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Be accountable in budgeting

It was with great interest that we read your article on school board management from Kari Wilkinson and the DPAC

It was with great interest that we read your article on school board management from Kari Wilkinson and the District Parents Advisory Council.  We thank Kari for bringing to our attention another example of “entitlement” in the school board and administration.  They are top heavy.

When the enrolment drops, schools close, and there are budget shortfalls.  The school board and administration should lead by example – make cuts at the top where there is greater financial savings.  Traditionally they make cuts to the bottom, with student services.

While the district “values the public input,” it appears they have forgotten that the voting public of District #83 pays their wages.  I trust Glen Borthistle has the strength of character to make change, and also make school board budget and expenses available to the accountable.


Ken and Rachel Simpson