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Citizens deserve a choice

What if the things that scientists are saying about electromagnetic waves are true?

What if?

What if the things that scientists are saying about electromagnetic waves are true? They are saying that these waves are changing the cell structure in the brain, especially in children. This inter-cellular disruption appears as anxiety, failure to focus and difficulty sleeping, which may lead to children being tagged with behavioural disorders such as ADD and ADHD. What if we are over-medicating children for conditions that are not treatable with drugs but are preventable? They say this electro-pollution added to all the other forms of pollution that we have adapted to is compromising the immune system causing a membrane sensitivity that manifests in extreme allergies, hypersensitivity and in some cases cancers. They say the microwaves emitted by cell phones, microwaves, smart meters and wireless connections in general are causing the changes.

In the last five to seven years, use of this technology has gone up by billions every month. It’s like smoking was in the ’50s and ’60s. It’s cool, it’s convenient and everybody’s doing it. The gigantic tele-networks have been marketing it to us like crazy. Don’t mention that it’s an addiction or that we should be cutting down or quitting.

What if we found out we didn’t need to use this technology all the time? Remember when we made popcorn with an air machine or on the stove top? There are still such things as land phones. Computers and smart meters can be hardwired. You could lobby BC Hydro to give the meter readers their jobs back.

In 50 to 75 years from now, the scientific studies done in Europe right now will become common knowledge Our population will be failing both physically and mentally from the effects.

What if we found out we didn’t need to use this technology all of the time?

What if we had a choice?

Mary Stewart