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Denial weighs heavily in resource viewpoint

It is incomprehensible that anyone today could not be deeply concerned about the environment.

It is incomprehensible that anyone today could not be deeply concerned about the environment. Multiply one bag of garbage by seven billion, and any child could figure it out. Add sewage, CO2, freshwater waste, asinine food production practices, and the fact developing countries are emulating our ways, and it’s obvious our lifestyle of obscene consumption is not sustainable – even without population growth.

And exponential growth is deceptive. We’ll double in 35 to 100 years. As David Suzuki explains, when the test tube is full, the only thing left is dead fruit flies. Yet just before this, the tube will be half empty. This might explain the Conservatives’ agenda of ignorance and unabated development.

How long before our test tube is full? The answer is not so simple as exhaustion of resources. Many argue we’ll find solutions when need be, but scientists warn that ecosystems are already collapsing. Once the bees are gone, we’re finished. Other consequences can be sneaky. If suddenly all humans are born sterile, it’ll be too late to ban pesticides.

But apparently people are too impoverished (intellectually?) to care. Hidden in monster houses with RVs parked next to chemical-green lawns, are families suffering the debilitating effects of lack of shopping opportunities? Forced to drive to Walmart for affordable food, some have even had to cancel trips to Disneyland. While this is truly tragic, maybe it’s time to teach Timmy about integrity instead.

Enough alarmist talk! SmartCentres’ site didn’t flood (even though the whole point is that fill forces water elsewhere). So let’s get the messiah superstore open already! Perhaps they’ll even have a sale on denial.

Belinda Lyall