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Humans determined to bring catastrophe

Humans determined to bring catastrophe

I give up! For 30 or so years now, I have been aware of the concepts of the greenhouse effect and global warming, or climate change.

During this time I have made a concerted effort to minimize my personal carbon emissions, and generally increase awareness among family, friends and students.

The issue of global warming/climate change has been “on the burner” for some time, and in our education system as well.

Many people are making healthy environmental choices for our collective future. Obviously many are not as well.

We see newspaper reports about those who think it an achievement of some import to artificially generate a large wave with an overweight fossil fuel-driven boat so that long duration surfing is possible on a lake.

Imagine the carbon footprint of such an activity, and for what, beyond self-aggrandizement?

So I give up!  It seems to me that we humans are determined to bring the planet to real climate catastrophe, and signs are strong that we are actually in the beginning phases now.

Doing something before there is a more obvious or urgent reason? Not on your life. I think I will go get a truck and a fast boat.  Yahoo!


Bill Lytle-McGhee