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Say thanks to your carrier

Spare a thought for your paper courier this Christmas!

Spare a thought for your paper courier this Christmas!

We all enjoy reading the local newspaper, but have you ever thought what it takes to get that paper to your doorstep each week?

It wasn’t until my kids started delivering papers that I realized what a big commitment it is. It’s a great job on long, warm, summer evenings but it doesn’t stop there. Rain or shine, daylight or in darkness, plus 30 to minus 20 degrees, the paper courier has to deliver the paper to your doorstep. They negotiate slippery paths, barking dogs and long dark driveways, remembering to put the paper where it won’t get wet or blow away.

Most paper boys/girls are typically ages eight to 14, but I know that we have kids as young as four and as old as 74 delivering our papers each week. And, don’t forget the parents, too. If your kid is sick, guess who’s delivering the papers!

I encourage you to let your paper courier know how much we value their hard work; chances are you would not be reading your paper without them.

This Christmas Eve while other kids are at home in the warm, your paper courier will be bringing you your last paper before Christmas.

If you get a chance, why not wish them a Merry Christmas or leave them a note thanking them for their hard work and commitment? I guarantee it will really make their day.

Chris Moore, proud newspaper courier parent