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Teens put good manners on display

I just recently had knee surgery, so before and after this I walked with the aid of a walker, cane or crutches.

I just recently had knee surgery, so before and after this I walked with the aid of a walker, cane or crutches.

I want to say how pleased I am with the young teens of this town. They opened doors for me, picked up my cane when I dropped it and made sure not to bump me as they went past.

Twice, in different fast food restaurants, when my friends and I couldn’t find a big enough table, a pair of young gents would offer to give us their table while they moved to a smaller one.

Also, my husband and I walk past the skate park every day. At first I was nervous when a skater would come toward me on the sidewalk, but they always got off their board to pass me, smiling and often offering a “Good day.”

It’s wonderful to live in a community where the youth are so caring and polite.

Darleen Greentree