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TIme to create your own virtual reality

They say there’s more snow out there than people around here have seen in the past 20 years – and it’s still coming down

They say there’s more snow out there than people around here have seen in the past 20 years – and it’s still coming down.

It hasn’t stopped snowing for two days. Now, admittedly I know I really should have made some sort of attempt to shovel the driveway, but the way I see it, warmer weather will come eventually and do the job for me. So why bother, I’m in no rush to get anywhere.

I think I’ll just hole up with a couple of fishing magazines and a bottle of Kahlua.

I could always go onto the computer and spent some time checking out the Internet for sites about fishing lodges that I just might go to this summer – if all goes well.

Not that I’ve become one of those people who spends all their time on the Internet.

It’s just that there’s so much information available now online to help make a decision.

Click a button and you know what the place is going to look like before you pull into the driveway. Speaking of driveways, the snow sure is coming down.

Sometimes – especially on days like today when it seems like the snow will never end – I like to look at sites about all-inclusive fishing trips to some far- away, warm places like Belize or New Zealand.

I know I’ll never be able to afford to go to any of those places, but I can still look – and maybe dream a little. I can just see myself cruising through the bright blue waters along the Belize Barrier Reef, casting my line to tarpon and bonefish.

After a hard day’s fishing I’d head back to my cabana, put my feet up and enjoy a long, tall, cool glass of Kahlua and cream. Ah yes, that would be the life. I can almost hear the waves and feel the warm ocean breeze on my face.

The problem with websites on the Internet is that a person can pretty much experience going somewhere without ever having to leave their computer.

Virtual reality they call it. But it’s not real and that, in a nutshell, is what’s wrong with looking up things on the Internet. So I think I’m going to get off my butt right now and head outside and start shovelling.

Or maybe not. Maybe I’ll just settle back into my La-Z-Boy chair and read my fishing magazines.

I could read the article in the one magazine about ice fishing. That would sort of be like dealing with winter and all the snow that keeps coming down.

Or maybe I could dig out my snowshoes and go for a walk. It would probably do me a world of good to get some exercise. But it also seems like a lot of work.

Sounds like a plan – for tomorrow or maybe one day next week.

When is this snow ever going to stop?

I wonder what it would actually cost to go fishing in Belize. If I start saving now I could probably get there in a couple of years.

Until then, I guess I’ll just have to accept the fact that I live in a part of the world that has four seasons with one of them being winter.

Looking on the bright side though, I do have enough food in the house to do me for a couple of weeks and, all I need to do to create my own virtual reality is turn up the heat, put on one of my Hawaiian shirts and listen to Jimmy Buffet on the CD player.

I could even dig out the humidifier if I really want to get carried away.

Let it snow all it wants.

After all, spring can’t be that far off.

No sir, it’s probably just around the corner.

The only problem is, I can’t see the corner from here because of all the snow.