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Letter: Action urged to slow down ‘human-caused climate change’

‘Most of us are acting like the proverbial ostriches, burying our heads…’
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I’d like to say something about cause and effect.

We all know (or should know) by now the primary cause of the acceleration of devastating weather events such as wildfires is the extraction and consumption of fossil fuels.

Despite the dire warnings of our governments and scientists, the fossil fuel industry continues to operate as if it’s business as usual. And despite our knowledge of this industry’s responsibility for the pollution that is destroying our planet, and the knowledge that our governments seem unable or unwilling to enforce the necessary legislation to phase out fossil fuels, what are we doing?

Most of us are acting like the proverbial ostriches, burying our heads in the sand so we can’t hear or see the devastation all around us.

We need to collectively take some responsibility and do what we can to slow down the acceleration of human-caused climate change and the primary cause of it. We must get rid of our gas fireplaces, furnaces and kitchen ranges, and replace them with more sustainable solutions.

We must also exchange our ICE vehicles for electric ones. If you have an ICE-powered vehicle that you simply can’t part with, consider ‘electrifying’ it. There are companies who will do that for you.

If you think you can’t afford to take these necessary steps, consider the kind of planet that you’re leaving future generations, including your own family, if you don’t.

Virginia Smith

Read more: Climate change feeds snowpack decline across northern hemisphere: study