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Letter: Residents to rally over cell tower concerns

Initially, six cell antennae are proposed to be deployed in the heart of downtown Salmon Arm where radiation levels are already in the danger zone.

Initially, six cell antennae are proposed to be deployed in the heart of downtown Salmon Arm where radiation levels are already in the danger zone.

Oppose deployment of more cell towers throughout our city centres, including 5G microcells. Please join the international rallies at noon on Monday, May 15, at our Ross St. Plaza. Learn more. Voice your own opinion.

As well, Telecom companies have begun deploying new 5G cell towers along B.C.’s residential streets. These spew radiation 24/7 into our neighbourhoods. This continues despite links to cancer and many other health problems according to studies by the National Institutes of Health, the WHO, and medical researchers worldwide. Our children are especially vulnerable.

The wealthy telecom companies have powerful allies in government at all levels; however, public opposition is growing and is beginning to be noticed by government. 5G can be stopped; however, only if we act. Speak up and protect your family. Once a cell tower is installed in front of your home, it’s too late.

Check Facebook page The Shuswap Lake Coalition for updates. These international rallies call on the telecom industry to suspend this deployment until such times as chronic exposure to 5G radio frequency microwave radiation can be proven completely safe.

Read more: Salmon Arm council supports site for 200-foot cell tower

Read more: Residents protest cell tower

Read more: New policy on cell towers

We people only have a choice if we voice it. Other city councils have stood up to protect their community’s health and safety, refusing this unnecessary, dangerous technology which harms all life; the most vulnerable first: children, the elderly, those with compromised health already, as well as the birds, bees, animals and trees. No life can withstand continual radiation. There are safer, cheaper, faster ways with hardwired fibre optics.

“What is 5G?”

Environmental Health Trust:

Richard Riach

Shuswap North Okanagan - Citizens for Safe Technology


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About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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