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Letter: Vehicle idling negatively impacts mileage, health and environment

‘Idling for just 10 seconds wastes more gas than restarting your engine…’
Letter writer shares benefits of not idling vehicles. (File photo)

The World Health Organization claims outdoor air pollution is estimated to have caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2019.

As the heat continues and air quality worsens from wildfire smoke, industry and people driving vehicles, one would think we would do whatever we could to protect the air we breathe.

But that’s not the case. When it’s hot outside, some of us run our vehicles and AC to keep our vehicle cool while we text, wait for a train to pass or just sit. Some even do this while shopping and aren’t even in the vehicle. It’s a personal choice, but unfortunately, the unnecessary toxic fumes we release are shared with everyone else.

There are those that suffer from asthma, COPD and lung issues. There are newborns and little people who are still developing their lungs. And there are seniors and vulnerable people who find they are safer staying indoors and become temporary shut-ins.

READ MORE: Idling overrated: Shuswap drivers urged to drive cold vehicles after 30 seconds

READ MORE: How to get better mileage, save on your next tank as gas prices rise

So if you’re going to run your engine longer than 60 seconds, consider turning off your motor, rolling down the window and toughing it out for a few minutes. Idling for just 10 seconds wastes more gas than restarting your engine, thereby saving money.

Even the Government of Canada reports, if we avoided idling every day of the year, C02 emissions could be reduced by 1.4 million tons annually, which would be equivalent to taking 320,000 cars off the road for an entire year.

Being aware of health effects caused by idling, the money that would be saved and the reduction of GHGs being emitted into the atmosphere, provides us with an opportunity to be a good neighbour and to do our part for the planet. Please don’t sit idle(ing)!

Angie Mclaren

Chase Environmental Action Society

Lachlan Labere

About the Author: Lachlan Labere

Editor of the Salmon Arm Observer, Shuswap Market, and Eagle Valley News. I'm always looking for new and exciting ways to keep our readers informed and engaged.
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