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Letter: With Donald Trump you never know

Interview brings out pettiness of U.S. president

Donald Trump is so self-absorbed he can’t comprehend the concept of human decency.

During an interview after Congressman John Lewis died, Trump refused to acknowledge the legacy of the much revered and extremely courageous civil rights activist. Instead, the current American president focused on the fact that Lewis had not attended the Trump inauguration.

My goodness, pettiness personified!

Then Trump went on to claim that no one had done more for black Americans than he (Trump) had. What self aggrandizement!

If Trump had been asked if he had any regrets, he would probably have gone off on another alternative-facts tangent. Trump might have claimed his biggest regret was not getting a chance to go toe-to-toe with Muhammad Ali for the World Heavyweight Championship. Perhaps he would even have categorically stated that Ali refused the Trump offer for a boxing match because Ali was afraid to be beaten by a white man.

When will all this idiocy end?

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Lloyd Atkins

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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