Rotarians are looking for community support to support recreation in the community through the installation of a rubberized walking track at Shaw Centre.
The Rotary Club of Salmon Arm, with support from Shuswap Rotary Club, will be funding the installation – a commitment made by the Salmon Arm Rotary Club’s Rob Marshall in a July 2023 presentation to city council.
“Rotary identified a need to improve the comfort and usability of the Shaw Centre walking track as winters are cold and icy, while summers are becoming increasingly hot and smoky,” reads a Jan. 8 Salmon Arm Rotary media release. “This initiative will offer residents of all ages a safe, comfortable place to maintain healthy exercise year-round.”
In November 2023, city council supported a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the city, the Shuswap Recreation Society and the Rotary club, outlining intentions, objectives and responsibilities of the parties involved. Council also voted to amend the city’s financial plan to include the rubberized walking track as a $154,000 capital project funded entirely by third-party contribution from Rotary, and voted to award company Titan Sport Systems Ltd. the contract to supply and install the rubberized track for $146,200 plus taxes.
“This is a major project for the Rotary clubs and as such, they are seeking support from the community, both businesses and individuals,” reads the media release.
For further information or to donate to the project, contact Rob Marshall at 250-253-5889 or email
Read more: City and Salmon Arm Rotary Club step forward on walking track project
Read more: Salmon Arm Rotarians commit $200k for new rubberized walking track