Interior Health has clarified there will still be flu clinics this fall, but people who need flu vaccinations won’t be able to just drop-in.
The clarification comes after a memo sent out by the health authority to its community partners seemed to state there won’t be clinics this fall at all.
“We apologize for any concerns and confusion a recent letter to our community vaccine providers has created,” IH said in a statement.
”We agree that it is even more important for people to get immunized this year given the current COVID-19 pandemic.”
IH said the change to the drop-in clinic is to avoid bringing in large groups of people together, which can create a risk of COVID-19 transmission, especially for those most vulnerable to the virus, as well as the flu.
People can still make an appointment with public health to get the vaccine. IH is also working with community providers to make the flu vaccine available at pharmacies, travel clinics, and primary care centres.
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