Team Time to Bail will be gearing up for another 55-storey climb for charity.
On April 29, Sicamous firefighters Dan Roddick and Jessy Horsfield will be in Calgary to take part in the Firefighter Stairclimb Challenge.
The challenge involves ascending 1,204 stairs (775-vertical feet) in the Bow Building, as fast as they can, while dressed in full firefighter turnout gear. The goal is to raise funds for Wellspring Calgary, an organization that provides programs, resources and support to people living with cancer along with their caregivers.
“The stairclimb is to help raise money and awareness for firefighters and all people who are battling cancer, to help show them there are resources available and that they’re not alone in it,” said Roddick. “There are many people who have their backs and willing to go to great lengths to help them.”
As team Time to Bail, this will be Roddick and Horsfield’s second go at the event. Roddick said they knew they wanted to do it again when they completed last year’s grueling climb in approximately 28 minutes.
The two are currently training for April with a goal of shaving last year’s time down to 20 minutes or less.
“We’re both able to train a lot more this year in our full turnout gear and with weighted vests and things like that to make it more difficult for us in training so it’s easier for us in actuality,” said Roddick.
The Sicamous firefighters are funding their own way to the climb, and are only looking for donations for Wellspring. Donations can be made to Roddick and/or Horsfield at