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Add your wishes to federal budget

During the reign of Stephen Harper, lots of those opposed to him loudly voiced their displeasure

It’s time to walk the talk, so to speak.

During the reign of Stephen Harper, lots of those opposed to him loudly voiced their displeasure with how little he was consulting with the people he ruled, how many of his decisions were autocratic.

With a new government in power, now is the chance for citizens to do more than complain.

The Liberal majority has been requesting input as it prepares to deliver its first budget in March.  The government has said it wants contributions so it can make the right choices for Canadians.

The time for input is nearing its end with the government considering the information received early this month, so if you haven’t provided yours, now’s the time.

You can add your voice online by googling  ‘Government of Canada Pre-budget Consultations 2016.’ Near the bottom of that page you will see coloured boxes for Online Consultation, Email, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

The website also notes that: “Stakeholders who traditionally provide their input through the Standing Committee on Finance, who wish to share their proposals for Budget 2016, are encouraged to make their submissions directly to the Minister of Finance at: All submissions will be reviewed in the course of the pre-budget consultation process. We hope to hear from as many Canadians as possible.”

That would include Salmon Arm citizens.


About the Author: Staff Writer

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