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Curbside collection creates hazard

I strongly protest against the city implementation of curbside garbage and recycling. We live in a beautiful pristine suburb where birds and wildlife abound, and that is the root of the problem. Garbage bags are lying along the roadside for hours and crows are pecking at them scattering the garbage all over the road. We have never had a litter problem in Salmon Arm but this is out of control.

I strongly protest against the city implementation of curbside garbage and recycling. We live in a beautiful pristine suburb where birds and wildlife abound, and that is the root of the problem. Garbage bags are lying along the roadside for hours and crows are pecking at them scattering the garbage all over the road. We have never had a litter problem in Salmon Arm but this is out of control. Other wildlife are attracted to the garbage also and I fear that these creatures, such as deer, will choke or be made ill from eating the contents. It is winter at present, but I dread the thought of the flies and wasps that will swarm in to the piles of garbage that also line the school bus route where children get on and off, it is a serious health hazard. Neighbourhood dogs, who normally never leave their property, are now scavenging the garbage bags, and other animals are dragging garbage all over the street. Motorists are forced to swerve to avoid bags blowing in the road or running over rubbish. On icy roads this could be deadly.

I recommend that Salmon Arm stop this practice immediately no matter how profitable it is for the city or the contractor, obviously this was the reason it was implemented

Residents can take a mixed load of about four huge garbage bags and assorted rubbish to the dump near the airport for $5 per load. Recycling is also available there or at several locations around the city. Curbside pick-up is an unnecessary, dirty, unsafe, dangerous, unhealthy and environmentally risky practice. Please cancel it.

Shirley Boisvert