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Don’t minimize the impact of pipelines

For those who are undecided or even in favour, try to imagine the local response if it was the Salmon River that was to be crossed

There is no doubt that opposition to the Northern Gateway project is provincewide, actually greater as from personal observation, Alberta groups were represented at the rally in Victoria on Oct. 24.

For those who are undecided or even in favour, try to imagine the local response if it was the Salmon River that was to be crossed with a bitumen pipeline, or the Adams perhaps, or maybe the Shuswap just upstream from Enderby, in our playground.  Just because there are fewer folks living along the proposed route across the province north of Prince George, the location ought not to matter.  It is our backyard too, much of the wildlife is the same, and the potential harm is no less because of it.  Please consider applying some empathy to relate to the concerns of those British Columbians who are faced with the proposed construction in their backyard, and decide on your position as if you lived there too.  Humans being the way they are, it is easy to minimize the situation if we are not personally and immediately affected.

Bill Lytle-McGhee