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Tourism needs to be supported

I am so glad someone wrote in about the city doing more for tourism; I agree with her comments and would like to add a few more

I am so glad someone wrote in about the city doing more for tourism; I agree with her comments and would like to add a few more.

We have lived here for 10 years and love the area and have been welcomed by the community.

I heard we were going to get a new Visitor information Centre at the entrance of 10th Avenue from the Trans-Canada Highway.

This could include another dump site and a much deserved access to a very nice centre. With this great plan and such a good spot, hopefully the city will get this off the ground very soon.

And to some of our residents: I’ve heard people say some discourteous comments about our visitors out loud in public. (For example: When can we get our town back?)

Not nice!

Darlene Clarke