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Winning bridge scores in our area

The highest in bridge scores for the weeks from December 19 to January 7 are listed here

Dec. 19: Social bridge - 1. Gisela Bodnar, 2. Peggy Fetterly, 3. Sylveter Wysocki.

Jan. 2: Social bridge, 5th Avenue Seniors Centre - 1. Peggy Fetterly, 2. Dan Quilty, 3. Sylvester Wysocki, 4. Bob Bruce. Jan. 5: Sunday Duplicate Club - North/South - 1. Edie and Jack Swanson, 2. Carol McGregor and Peggy Petersen, 3. Dan Quilty and Gerry Chatelain.  East/West -1. Ona Bouchard and Carol Jeffery, 2. Shirley and Chuck Buckler, 3. Ethel Evenesen and Terry Jobe. Jan. 7: 1. Judy Harris and Barbara Peterson, 2. Steve Raffel and Al Christie, 3. Ona Bouchard and Ruth Embree, 4. Terry Jobe and Erika Motherwell.