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Opinion: Landlords request too much information

Opinion: Landlords request too much information

With Kelowna’s low vacancy rate, landlords are taking advantage of tenant’s personal information
Cost to removing tolls

Cost to removing tolls

The removal of bridge tolls in the Lower Mainland opens questions about bridges yet to be crossed.
EDITORIAL: Racism is not OK

EDITORIAL: Racism is not OK

In light of violence south of border, we must all speak out against hate, intolerance and racism
Debate of national anthem lyrics is ‘moot’

Debate of national anthem lyrics is ‘moot’

Making the lyrics more inclusive does not reject tradition, but respects it

Editorial: Searching for solutions

The impact of the opioid crisis can be seen with disturbing clarity on any day in the Okanagan-Shuswap.
Relay harnesses generosity

Relay harnesses generosity

Cancer brought people together in Salmon Arm once again – to grieve, to celebrate, to raise money so fewer people will become ill and more will have support.
Lumby Days breaks up flood stress

Lumby Days breaks up flood stress

The event comes at a perfect time to give flood-affected residents are break
Salary train going in circles

Salary train going in circles

The salaries of politicians are always a political hot potato.
Honouring the fallen on National Day of Mourning

Honouring the fallen on National Day of Mourning

National Day of Mourning asks us all to remember those who have fallen
EDITORIAL: Rail purchase a good move

EDITORIAL: Rail purchase a good move

Public ownership of the rail line from Spallumcheen to Sicamous will be beneficial