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Letter: Panhandlers needs help, not fines

Re: Salmon Arm Observer, June 13, Bylaw to clamp down on panhandling.

Re: Salmon Arm Observer, June 13, Bylaw to clamp down on panhandling.

Panhandling is a complex situation. Some people end up being a pandhandler due to different circumstances. The circumstances are making wrong choices in life, loss of employment, health problems, disabilities, mental health problems, vehicle accidents, etc. A pandhandler’s life is a painful life. They can’t afford accommodation, cost of living and face all kinds of health conditions. These people have it very hard. How can panhandlers pay a fine of $50, all the way up to $2,000?

All of the bylaws don’t solve problems. It only adds more pain into their life

Basically, panhandlers need big help instead. They need to be loved and lifted out of their situations. This is the key. I hope the following will be inspiring to people.

There should be a committee of people formed who are loving and compassionate towards the panhandlers. People from city hall, doctors, nurses, dentists, housing professionals, mental health professionals, counsellors, farmers, teachers, Okanagan College, Work B.C., pastors, etc.

They would have meetings together every week to find solutions to panhandler’s needs. Possible solutions include:

Have a help centre. Make assessments as to what kind of help panhandlers need. Get police officers to take panhandlers to the help centre. Keep the Salvation Army Lighthouse open all year-round for people to sleep. Have farmers teach and hire panhandlers. Have a trade centre school and life skills training combinations so that panhandlers learn job skills. Get ideas from the Mustard Seed in Calgary, Alta.

These are building blocks to help. Eventually, a panhandler would no longer be a panhandler.

Life has bad curve-balls and you could end up being a panhandler no matter who you are. Think about that!

Look at yourself in the mirror. How would you like to be treated?

Sharon Smith


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